The right mattress for a good night's sleep
“More and more people are becoming aware of the importance of their bedding. The French have made great strides when it comes to buying their mattresses. The trend has gone from a basic purchase before the covid to a purchase of greater interest,” says Charles-Henri Déon, Chairman of the Adova Group, which owns the Tréca and Simmons brands.
“The right density of foam is a maximum of 30kg/m3. As far as pocket springs are concerned, the more of them there are, the more comfortable the mattress will be, and you need to add between 3 and 8 cm of support. A mattress less than 22 cm thick will not be satisfactory. Asking customers what technology they want is not the right approach. The only preference that matters is the way they sleep. Foam, springs or latex, it doesn’t make much difference to them until they try it,” says Charles Henri Déon.
He continues:
“The question of thickness is a tricky one. It can correspond to many different materials and layers, or it can be the result of a simple assembly of springs and foam. The really good mattresses will always be very thick and with lots of products. Thick, inexpensive mattresses indicate that there may be a problem.”