Mattresses, the key to dreams
“Two elements determine whether a mattress is right for you. The comfort – in other words, the subjective notion of well-being and envelopment – and the support, in other words, the way in which it adapts to our morphology,” explains Charles Henri Déon, Chairman of the Adova Group (Tréca and Simmons).
“Especially since it has been shown that 1.60m mattresses reduce night-time micro-awakenings and give you 20% more sleep.
To recognise a good mattress, he explains: “You need to sink deep enough while aligning the elements of the body: the spine straight, pelvis and shoulders raised. You also need to know that needs vary depending on whether you sleep on your stomach, on your side or on your back. Hence the multitude of references and ranges. Five from Tréca, twelve from Simmons, from €500 to €5,000 to appeal to all consumers.”